Schaatsen in de media 2008/2009

Discussie in 'Schaatscafé 'De Ronding'' gestart door Sjoerd, 10 apr 2008.

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  1. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Active Member

    Het vorige topic was erg groot geworden (>30 pagina's).

    Vandaar een nieuwe, voor alles wat je over schaatsen in de media tegenkomt.
  2. Sabine

    Sabine Well-Known Member

    In de zomertijden met zo weinig nieuws, op de tvmsite staan wat foto's van de eerste zomertrainingen van de ploeg! :D
  3. Lars-Lover

    Lars-Lover Active Member

    Er is hier de laatste week ook idd weinig meer te beleven. Nu de transfers enzo rond zijn is er niet zoveel nieuws meer. Maar wel hele mooie foto's op de TVM site! :D Die zijn, zo te zien, alweer druk bezig met trainen.
  4. Lisan

    Lisan Well-Known Member Medewerker

    Volgens mij zijn alle ploegen weer druk aan het trainen!
  5. Lars-Lover

    Lars-Lover Active Member

    Ja, volgens mij ook. Een aantal zijn vorige week begonnen met trainen en een aantal deze week, zover ik begrepen heb.
  6. fred

    fred Member

    Donderdag op ned2 een portret van vader en zoon Ykema. Gemaakt door Hugo Borst, die ik vaak niet kan uitstaan als het over voetballen gaat, maar deze vader-zoon portretten leveren vaak mooie tv op, ik kan me nog de uitzending over John van Lottum en z'n vader herinneren...
  7. Lisan

    Lisan Well-Known Member Medewerker

    Als het goed is, zijn volgende week te gast bij Holland Sport: Jan Bos, Freddy Wennemars, Simon Kuipers en Gerad van Velde voor een grand finale van het fietsspel.
  8. Lars-Lover

    Lars-Lover Active Member

    Ow leuk! Weet je ook welke dag dat is?
  9. Lisan

    Lisan Well-Known Member Medewerker

    Maandagavond 20:30 op een van de drie Nederlandse zenders, maar weet even niet welke :oops: Je kan het iig de dag daarna al terug zien bij

    Van mij mag Freddy winnen!
  10. Lars-Lover

    Lars-Lover Active Member

    Ow oke. Dan ga ik kijken! :D Volgens mij is Holland Sport altijd op Ned 3, als ik het goed heb.
  11. Henk Kok

    Henk Kok New Member

    Nederland 3 inderdaad. Als Simon Kuipers zijn vorm van vorige keer nog heeft, is ie de te kloppen man. :lol:
  12. Monique

    Monique Well-Known Member

    Dat wordt een leuke Holland Sport uitzending, en van mij mag Gerard van Velde winnen! :D
  13. Ikke2009

    Ikke2009 New Member

    Daar sluit ik me helemaal bij aan :D
  14. Tuttifrutti

    Tuttifrutti Well-Known Member

    Vond op Yahoo schaatsforum volgende erg interessante artikel van Joey Cheek! Is orgineel afkomstig uit de Washington Post. Vond het erg leuk om weer eens wat van hem te horen :D :D en vind het echt geweldig dat hij nog steeds zo bezig is met Darfur en de mensenrechten!!

    My New Olympic Dream

    I went from the ice in Turin to a dusty refugee camp. Now I hope my fellow
    athletes will speak out for Darfur in Beijing.

    By Joey Cheek in the Washington Post

    May 25, 2008

    I'd actually imagined what it would be like, which is terrible. You're never
    supposed to plan on winning.

    But there I was, the gold medalist in the 500-meter speed skating event at
    the 2006 winter Olympics in Turin. And with the win came the right to 10
    minutes, give or take, at a microphone in front of 60-odd cameras, tape
    recorders and sports reporters who were waiting to shout in my face: "How
    does it feel to win?" (It's a pretty short answer, actually: "Good.")

    Except, I wanted to talk about something different. "I know you guys all
    want to do sweet stories about Hallmark and chocolates and butterflies and
    all that," I said, stepping to the microphone. "But I have a pretty unique
    experience and a pretty unique opportunity here. So I'm going to take
    advantage of it while I can."

    And then I announced that I was going to donate my winnings from the U.S.
    Olympic Committee -- $25,000 for that 500-meter victory and another $15,000
    when I won the silver in the 1,000 meters a few days later -- to Darfurian
    refugees in Chad. Though I was just beginning to learn about the conflict in
    Darfur in February 2006, I knew that more than 60,000 children from Darfur
    had been displaced in the course of nearly three years of violence and that
    my donation to the Right to Play Foundation might help send them some small

    I was also just beginning to learn what it meant to be engaged with what's
    happening in Darfur -- a deliberate campaign of atrocities that the U.S.
    government has called a genocide, launched by the regime in Khartoum and an
    allied militia known as the Janjaweed -- and what it means to be on an
    international stage as an Olympian. Now, more than two years after I won my
    medals in Turin, I'm watching those issues collide as the world prepares for
    the Olympics in Beijing.

    I'm not competing this summer, but I am urging others to think about Darfur
    and about China's relationship with Sudan. China buys much of Sudan's annual
    oil output and sells arms to Sudan, helping prop up the government in
    Khartoum. China is also the genocidal regime's key defender at the United
    Nations, helping weaken Security Council resolutions that might stem the

    I sincerely hope that the newest Olympic champions not only show
    graciousness toward their Chinese hosts, but also issue a stern call for
    action in Darfur. With its significant ties to Sudan, China is one of the
    countries in the world best positioned to do more to stop the killing in
    Darfur, and it is the responsibility of athletes competing there this summer
    to say that -- respectfully yet forcefully -- even as they focus on their
    own athletic accomplishments.

    But first of all: Who am I to be teaching about Darfur?

    Well, I'm an Olympian. That term, for me, encapsulates both what I achieved
    on the ice and the person I still seek to become. It means everything to me
    to have skated as well as I did, but over the years, I have come to believe
    that being an Olympian means more than just being a great athlete.

    When I was about 9 years old, I put on my first pair of skates. A neighbor
    who was on our local in-line speed skating team -- yes, they exist -- and I
    persuaded my mom to let my brother and me join the team. For $2 a week, I
    could skate with the team during practice and then during the public session
    afterward. When I describe to people what it felt like to start racing, I
    put it this way: It's like what God meant for me to do. Now I don't mean
    that I was a phenom; far from it, in fact. But I was always good enough that
    I could envision myself being the best, and when I worked harder than anyone
    else, I was.

    I became a state, then a regional, and finally a national champion on
    in-line skates all before I was 15, but in 1994 I watched the Winter
    Olympics and saw speed skating for the first time. And I knew that was what
    I wanted to do. I moved to Canada from my native North Carolina a month
    after my 16th birthday to become a speed skater. I found that I loved the
    feeling of racing on ice even more than on wheels. I climbed the ranks in
    the United States as a junior, then as a senior and eventually became a
    world champion. In 2002, at 21, I competed in the Salt Lake City Olympics
    and won my first medal -- a bronze.

    The life of an Olympic athlete is a bit strange. We spend countless hours
    toiling for years for almost no money in the hope of being a hundredth of a
    second better than our competition in a sport that often no one watches
    except once every four years during this great festival. But aside from the
    medal count and the endless patriotism that bombards every Olympic viewer,
    there is an incredible community within the Olympic Village. Athletes from
    Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas come together and compete for the same
    prize. And when our events are over, we come back to the Olympic Village,
    and we sit down and eat together.

    This community was the defining aspect of my Olympic experience, and it's
    what led me, ultimately, to Darfur. I could sit with an athlete from another
    land, and even though we had very different backgrounds, we had the Olympic
    experience in common. Just to earn my place in that Olympic Village
    cafeteria, I'd spent years competing around the world. During those travels,
    I began to see that it wasn't just athletes that I had this fellowship with
    but people in every nation. I met great friends in Europe who would invite
    me into their homes and where we would eventually realize that both of our
    grandfathers had fought in World War II -- against each other. I made
    friends from China who had also left their homes at an early age to begin
    training, and even though we barely understood each other, no one in the
    world smiled bigger at me when we would bump into each other. My other
    constant companion in that world travel was the international news coverage
    of atrocities that I didn't hear much about on the news at home.

    It might seem funny that a speed skater from North Carolina would focus on
    what was then a somewhat obscure crisis in Africa, but it all came back to
    my Olympic views. Ultimately, I feel no different than a person born in any
    other area of the world, except perhaps a bit luckier. And if people were
    gunning down my family, I would certainly want the world to help. So that's
    what I tried to do.

    After the Olympics in Turin, I began traveling the world again -- not to
    compete or train, but to talk with people about having won. I also spoke at
    many Darfur rallies, including one in Washington in the spring of 2006,
    sharing the bill with Elie Wiesel and George Clooney. Somehow, I had gotten
    from sprinting at record speed around an ice rink in tights to sharing a
    stage with a Nobel Peace Prize-winning Holocaust survivor and an Academy
    Award winner. But the more I learned about the conflict, the more confident
    I became about speaking out -- and the more urgency I felt.

    Seven months after the Washington rally, I was on a stage in New York,
    essentially back where I'd started. The same "Save Darfur" posters were
    draped on the podium. The same heartbreaking statistics were being repeated
    over a bad sound system to a large crowd. But people were still dying by the
    scores, and despite the efforts of the activist community, the international
    community was not really doing anything.

    Star power isn't fixing anything in Darfur yet, either. Although celebrities
    can raise awareness about the conflict, ultimately only government officials
    can affect the situation on the ground. I saw that when I traveled with
    Clooney, actor Don Cheadle, Kenyan distance runner Tegla Loroupe and others
    as part of a delegation to Egypt and China in December 2006. The U.N.
    Security Council had passed a resolution that year calling for peacekeeping
    forces to protect civilians in Darfur, but Sudan was able to stall and
    eventually ignore it.

    In Beijing, we spoke with government and business leaders: two movie stars,
    a speed skater, a distance runner and some activists facing people we
    thought had the power to really help. We think this is not right, we said
    gently, seeking to engage the Chinese in a positive way. Our message: We
    hope that, if nothing else, you will stop obstructing U.N. efforts to
    install robust international protection in Darfur. They met with us. They
    said thank you for coming. They said they think this is an internal issue in
    Africa, and that it's not really our business to fix it or discuss it. Then
    they invited us to tour the Olympic venues in progress, hoping to snap a few
    photos of smiling movie stars in front of the cranes and half-finished

    I left feeling very frustrated.

    I channeled some of that frustration into the organization I started last
    year with Brad Greiner, a water polo player, called Team Darfur. We're
    trying to recruit athletes who will use their time in the spotlight to help
    save lives in Darfur and show the world that these people still desperately
    need our help. So far, nearly 350 athletes from 60 countries have signed on
    with Team Darfur. And quite a few of those athletes will be in Beijing in
    August, including gymnasts from Europe, basketball players from Africa,
    swimmers from the Caribbean and softball players from North America.

    For some, though, joining this particular team is a risk, one they fear
    could jeopardize their spot on the Olympic team. I recently spoke with a
    Beijing-bound swimmer who is committed to the Darfur cause. He attended a
    symbolic torch relay on behalf of victims of Sudan's genocidal regime and
    has spoken to international reporters about the issue. But he wants to be
    sure that whatever he says now won't compromise his opportunity to compete
    in Beijing -- not just because he has spent his whole life training for his
    Olympic moment, but because he realizes that his status as an Olympian will
    give him a wider platform to raise awareness.

    That has certainly been my experience. Had I not gone to Turin, the local
    paper might have said, "Hometown Boy Forgoes Olympics for Cause." But that's
    it. The most important -- and most effective -- means of addressing China's
    economic interdependence with Sudan is to go to Beijing, compete and speak

    But the question of how to speak out is a complicated one.

    For one thing, I understand how much Beijing's organizers have at stake in
    ensuring a successful event. I also understand the pride that the Chinese
    take in hosting the event: I remember how much it meant to me that my first
    Olympics were held in the United States in the months following Sept. 11,

    For another, the International Olympic Committee has all kinds of rules and
    restrictions. Rule 51.3 of the Olympic Charter prohibits demonstrations of
    "political, religious or racial propaganda" at the official venues. Earlier
    this month, the rules got even more confusing. In a letter sent to national
    Olympic committees, the IOC said that prohibited conduct could include
    written or oral statements. The Olympics, the letter stated, are not a stage
    for "political statements about issues such as armed conflicts, regional
    differences, religious disputes, and many others."

    Right now, this one small section of the Olympic charter is what people are
    focusing on, trying to determine whether it's possible to both speak one's
    mind and represent one's country. But the entire Olympic Charter is full of
    soaring rhetoric about elevating humanity through sport. I'm astounded by
    how often this rule is used not to promote that goal, but to stifle it.

    So I recommend reading rule 51.3 along with a different bureaucratic agenda
    item. This one is from the U.N. General Assembly: a resolution, passed last
    fall, urging its members to observe what's known as the "Olympic truce"
    during the Olympics in August and the Paralympics in September. The truce is
    an effort to "use sport as an instrument to promote peace," a modern version
    of what the Greeks called "Ekecheiria" and observed during ancient
    Olympiads. The goal today is to use a short window this summer as one way to
    temporarily halt conflicts -- a step toward some more permanent kind of

    For my fellow athletes who will gather to compete at the gleaming new venues
    China will unveil: Your efforts might give you the chance to improve the
    lives of millions. I hope that goal will resonate for everyone stepping to a
    microphone after a big win this summer.


    Joey Cheek, a member of the 2002 and 2006 U.S. Olympic speed skating teams,
    is co-founder of Team Darfur and a student at Princeton University.
  15. Schaatsfan Suzanne

    Schaatsfan Suzanne New Member

    Die finale van het fietsspel was erg leuk! en Gerard heeft gewonnen. Had ik niet verwacht. Ik had Simon wel als beste verwacht.
  16. Monique

    Monique Well-Known Member

    Ik had ook Kuipers sneller verwacht, omdat hij het hele seizoen bovenaan stond, én omdat hij nog actief schaatser is en daarom denk ik meer fietst dan Gerard van Velde. Maar ik was blij met de uitslag! :D
  17. Lars-Lover

    Lars-Lover Active Member

    Erg leuk dat wielerspel! Ik had ook niet verwacht dat Gerard van Velde zou winnen. Ik had Simon Kuipers of Jan Bos verwacht. Ik had gehoopt dat Jan Bos zou winnen, omdat hij 1 van mijn favoriete schaatsers is, maar dat mijn dorpsgenoot heeft gewonnen is natuurlijk ook leuk. :D
  18. Lisan

    Lisan Well-Known Member Medewerker

    En wie was er laatste :cry:Mijn kleine grote held. Maar wow wat is hij gespierd geworden zeg :oops: Ik weet nog dat die zo'n mager latje was :oops: Is ook alweer 4 jaar geleden. Hij krijgt het lijf van zijn grote broer.

    Het was wel te verwachten want die anderen heren hebben veel meer trainingsarbeid in hun lijf zitten. Die hebben jaren getraind.
  19. villaweb

    villaweb New Member

    Grappig dat je wel weet op welke zender het is maar niet op welke dag Holland Sport is :? :D
  20. Lars-Lover

    Lars-Lover Active Member

    Haha ja, dat is idd wel apart :p Ik weet ook niet hoe ik dat heb..Volgens mij heb ik ergens een keer gehoord dat dat op Ned 3 zou komen, maar ben ik vergeten welke dag dat was. Dat heb je soms wel eens, dat je bepaalde dingen wel onthoudt en andere weer niet haha. Zoiets zal het wel zijn. Maar ik kijk er anders nooit naar, dus vandaar dat het ook niet echt is blijven hangen waarschijnlijk..

    @ Lisan: Idd jammer van Freddy. Ik vind dat hij sowieso steeds meer op Erben gaat lijken, ook in het gezicht enzo.
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