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Discussie in 'Schaatscafé 'De Ronding'' gestart door Marcel Vos, 22 feb 2023.

  1. Marcel Vos

    Marcel Vos Well-Known Member

    Trymare heeft in het WK afstanden topic een AI genaamd ChatGPT de resultaten laten voorspellen, met toch verrassend logische uitslagen.

    Je kunt hier nog veel meer mee doen, en het leek me wel grappig om hier een apart topic over te maken waar we bizarre of interessante dingen vragen aan de AI.

    Hier is de output van de volgende prompt (bedacht door @EenBrabander): "Write a dialogue between Patrick Roest and Nils van der Poel, arguing about geoguessr"


    Patrick Roest and Nils van der Poel are both talented Dutch speed skaters and avid gamers who enjoy playing Geoguessr, a popular online geography game. In this fictional dialogue, the two athletes argue about their approaches to the game.

    Patrick: "Nils, you can't just guess randomly. That's not how you win at Geoguessr."

    Nils: "Who says I'm guessing randomly? I have a system. I look for clues like street signs, license plates, and building styles."

    Patrick: "But that's still just guessing. You need to have a strategy if you want to score high."

    Nils: "I have a strategy. I also look at the landscape and try to identify which countries have similar terrain. It's not all guesswork."

    Patrick: "I think you're overthinking it. I just look for recognizable landmarks or unique features. Like if I see a windmill, I know it's the Netherlands."

    Nils: "But that's only helpful if you're in the Netherlands. You need a more universal approach if you want to win on all the maps."

    Patrick: "I still think you're making it too complicated. It's just a game. You don't need to be a geography expert to enjoy it."

    Nils: "But it's more fun when you play to win. And I don't want to just enjoy it, I want to be the best."

    Patrick: "Well, good luck with that. I'm happy just playing for fun."

    Nils: "Suit yourself. But when I beat you in our next match, don't say I didn't warn you."

    Patrick: "Ha! I'll believe it when I see it."

    The two skaters laughed and continued their friendly argument, ready for their next game of Geoguessr.
  2. Marcel Vos

    Marcel Vos Well-Known Member

    Hier nog eentje, waar ik de AI vroeg voor de wereldrecordprogressie 1000 meter vrouwen sinds 1983.


    Here is a summary of the world record progression on the women's 1000 meters long track speedskating since 1983:

    • March 12, 1983: Karin Enke (East Germany) sets the first official world record of 1:27.35 in Medeo, Kazakhstan.
    • December 17, 1988: Christa Rothenburger (East Germany) breaks the 1:27 barrier and sets a new world record of 1:26.99 in Calgary, Canada.
    • February 18, 1992: Bonnie Blair (USA) becomes the first woman to break the 1:20 barrier, setting a new world record of 1:19.61 in Albertville, France.
    • February 10, 2002: Chris Witty (USA) sets a new world record of 1:13.83 in Salt Lake City, USA, becoming the first woman to break the 1:14 barrier.
    • November 20, 2005: Cindy Klassen (Canada) sets a new world record of 1:13.11 in Salt Lake City, USA.
    • January 7, 2006: Cindy Klassen (Canada) breaks her own world record with a time of 1:13.11 in Calgary, Canada.
    • March 10, 2007: Cindy Klassen (Canada) sets a new world record of 1:13.11 in Salt Lake City, USA.
    • March 9, 2013: Christine Nesbitt (Canada) sets a new world record of 1:12.68 in Salt Lake City, USA.
    • November 16, 2013: Heather Richardson (USA) breaks the world record with a time of 1:12.51 in Salt Lake City, USA.
    • March 15, 2015: Brittany Bowe (USA) sets a new world record of 1:12.18 in Calgary, Canada.
    • November 22, 2015: Brittany Bowe (USA) breaks her own world record with a time of 1:11.61 in Salt Lake City, USA.
    • March 12, 2017: Heather Bergsma (USA) sets a new world record of 1:11.13 in Salt Lake City, USA.
    It's important to note that these records were set using different technologies (clap skates, full-body suits, etc.) which could have had an impact on the times. Additionally, some records were set at high altitude venues, which can also affect performance.
    ZeeKoei vindt dit leuk.
  3. Mjøsaman

    Mjøsaman Well-Known Member

    Me: who is Mjøsaman?

    Chatgpt: I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any information about a person or entity named "Mjøsaman". Can you please provide more context or details about who or what you are referring to so I can try to assist you better?
  4. Marcel Vos

    Marcel Vos Well-Known Member

    Als je een beetje bekend bent dat kan hij je wel vinden na wat extra info. Hij wist eerst ook niet wie ik was, maar nadat ik zei dat ik youtube videos maak kon ie me wel vinden en gaf aardig wat accurate informatie die ik hem niet verteld had.
  5. ZeeKoei

    ZeeKoei Well-Known Member


    Wordt Bart Swings wereldkampioen mass-start dit jaar?

    Als AI-assistent kan ik geen voorspellingen doen over toekomstige evenementen of sportprestaties, omdat ik geen toegang heb tot informatie uit de toekomst. Het voorspellen van sportevenementen hangt af van verschillende factoren, zoals de huidige vorm van de atleet, het niveau van de concurrentie, mogelijke blessures en andere factoren die moeilijk te voorspellen zijn.

    Bart Swings is echter een uitstekende schaatser en heeft in het verleden op internationaal niveau succes behaald in verschillende disciplines, waaronder de mass-start. Hij heeft in het verleden medailles gewonnen op het wereldkampioenschap en wereldbekerwedstrijden in de mass-start, dus hij is zeker een kanshebber op de titel van wereldkampioen mass-start in de toekomst. Uiteindelijk zal echter de prestatie op de dag van het evenement beslissen of hij al dan niet de titel zal winnen.

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